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Events Happening This Weekend in Austin Texas: April 13 - April 16, 2023

Nick Gardner | April 12, 2023
Concert Microphone and Venue

Events In Austin, TX This Weekend

If you're in Austin, Texas this weekend (April 13 - April 16) looking for some fun things to do, we've compiled a list of top concerts and events happening in the area. While the video only covers a few events, we have every event you can imagine from concerts to sports to theater, and especially comedy. Check out our Austin venues page to see the complete list of events in Austin. To view the artists mentioned in the video, check out the links below!

Koe Wetzel


Hippie Sabotage


00:00 Introduction
00:08 Koe Wetzel at Moody Center
00:16 M83 at Stubbs Waller Creek Amphitheater
00:34 Hippie Sabotage at Stubbs Waller Creek Amphitheater
00:47 Conclusion


Event Ticket Center’s selling some great tickets to events this weekend in Austin Texas. On Thursday, April 13th, the rock country artist Koe Wetzel performs at the Moody Center.

On Friday the French electronic music group M83 performs at Stubbs Waller Creek Amphitheater. You may have heard of some of their popular songs like “Midnight City” or “Wait” from their album Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming.

On Sunday, the electronic dance music duo, Hippie Sabotage performs at Stubbs Waller Creek Amphitheater. You may have heard of their popular songs like their Habits remix called “Stay High” or “Devil Eyes”.

There are so many more events going on in Austin this weekend, make sure to check out the link below to find more events and to get your tickets through Event Ticket Center.
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